Chat System
- In your application, you have two types of connections by or by rest API
- If you want to use Socket with API then set true here, or you just need API, then false here.
static let socketChat = true
- if you are using a connection type socket system you should add a port socket for your server
static let socketPort = "449"
- You can enable to show alert toast when the user is online now
cell?.switchStutes.isHidden = true
- Set the variable below to True or False to give the user some features such as chat archive, chat mute mode…etc
let notify = chatUser?.mute?.notify
let pin = chatUser?.mute?.pin
let archive = chatUser?.mute?.archive
Options chat heads (Bubbles)
Chat heads are circle profile icons that poverty another context on the screen when you receive a new message on your app. tap on one, and you can read the full conversation in a pop-up, as well as respond, without leaving any app you’re currently in.