General Setup Audio And Video Calls Integration Estimated reading: 3 minutes 217 views WoWonder developers made it as easy for you as they can to implement your own Video/Audio calls in your application, All you need is to add your keys depending on your chosen framework and you will be done follow the steps below to understand more about it.WoWonder developers made it as easy for you as they can to implement your own Video/Audio calls in your application, All you need is to add your keys depending on your chosen framework and you will be done follow the steps below to understand more about it.IntegrationsSuportsPlatformsTwilioAudio/VideoWebsite/Mobile/Desktop Messenger All are integratedAgora.ioAudio/VideoWebsite/Mobile Messenger All are integratedSetup Twilio: Log into your Twilio project at If you don’t have account yet, create one. Click on Click on Create API key and create the new key. Once done, you’ll get SID, and Secret. Once copied the above keys, go to and copy Account SID Go to Admin Panel -> Chat & Video/Audio -> Twilio API Configuration Edit the following options:Live accountSid – Your Account SID we got one previous chapter apiKeySid – Your API SID we got one previous chapter apiKeySecret – Your API Secret we got one previous chapter.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–Setup Agora:Sign up here to create an Agora account. After sign-up, you can log in here. Once you finish the sign-up process, you can create an Agora project in Agora Console, To create an Agora project, do the following:Enter the Project Management page. Click Create. Follow the on-screen instructions to enter a project name and use case, and check Secured mode: APP ID + Token (Recommended) as the authentication mechanism. Click Submit. You can now see the project on the Project Management page. To copy the App ID, find your project on the Project Management page in Agora Console, and click the copy icon to the right of the App ID. To get an App Certificate, do the following:On the Project Management page, click the edit icon for the project you want to use. Click the copy icon under Primary Certificate. Generate a Customer ID and Customer SecretIn Agora Console, click the account name in the top right corner, and click RESTful API from the drop-down list to enter the RESTful API page. Click Add a secret, and click OK. A set of Customer ID and Secret is generated. Click Download in the Customer Secret column. Read the pop-up window carefully, and save the downloaded key_and_secret.txt file in a secure location. Go to Admin Panel -> Settings -> Chat & Video / Audio -> Agora API Configuration Edit the following options:App ID – Your APP ID we got one previous chapter App Certificate – Your App Certificate we got one previous chapter Customer ID – Enter the Customer ID you downloaded from key_and_secret.txt. Customer Secret – Enter the Customer ID you downloaded from key_and_secret.txtFrom your AppSettings.swift class be sure you enable Twilio Framework and disable all other frameworks such as Agora and etc as bellow