General Application Settings

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From your settings class on your DeepSound project, you will be able to control most of your Android AppSettings.

Database Name:

You can set the database name by changing the value of DatabaseName. It should always be the same name as your application name. Make sure that the name does not contain any spaces and that it has all small letters

Profile Settings:

Set the variable below to True or False To enable sections

Import & Upload Song:

Set the variable below to True or False To enable sections

  • Show the Price of the song: 
    by enabling this variable you can show the price of the required song.
  • Allow Offline Mode :
    Set the value below to true to enable the offline mode and be able to listen to music without an internet connection.

Settings View:

Set the variable below to True or False to give the user ability to set his settings from his mobile or to display sections

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