Getting Started

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Follow the steps below to setup your app :

  • PlayTube Script, you can get it from Here
  • Download Xcode 2022 Here. Please remember, always use the latest code, latest visual studio, and other latest product versions of products

Here are steps to install the full Xcode application.

  • Open the App Store on your Mac and search for Xcode.
  • Download Xcode from the App Store.
  • After your download is complete, launch Xcode.
  • Enter your administrator account credentials.
  • Unzip the PlayTube-IOS archive, extract it to a new folder, and then open the folder.
  • In the main folder, you will find the solution (Name: PlayTube.xcworkspace Type: Xcode work Space) double click on it and wait till everything is loaded.
  • Install all Project PODS for your Project, Open terminal at folder.
run the command “pod install”
It will take some time, Wait until it is completed.

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