Upload iOS App on AppStore

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 261 views

Assemble App Store Information

  • It is very important to collect all of the information you need to submit before you start the process.
  • Like, Screenshots, Name, Description, Keywords, Support URL, Marketing URL, Privacy Policy URL, App Icon, Copyright, Demo Account etc…

Create the Bundle Identifier

  • In your browser, navigate to Apple’s Developer Portal.
  • Login
  • Click Identifiers
  • Click the “+” in the top right of the screen
  • Name the App ID the same as your app
  • Make sure the Bundle ID follows the standard naming convention: com.yourcompanyname.yourappname
  • Check any App Services the app needs, click Continue
  • Verify the services are correct, then click Submit

Create a Signing Certificate Request

  • Certificate Signing Requests are used to link your computer to your Apple developer account.
  • Open the program called Keychain Access
  • In the top left menu, click Certificate Assistant
  • Click Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority…
  • User email: Enter your email address
  • Common Name: We recommend using the name of the app
  • CA email is not actually required
  • Check Saved to Disk, click Continue
  • Save the Certificate Signing Request for later

Create an App Store Production Certificate

  • Code Signing Certificates are used to link iOS apps to your Apple developer account.
  • In your browser, navigate to Apple’s Developer Portal
  • Click Certificates
  • Click the “+” in the top right of the screen
  • Click the App Store Production
    • Currently named “App Store and Ad Hoc” under Production
  • Click Continue
  • Upload the Certificate Signing Request created earlier
  • Download the Certificate
  • Install the certificate on your computer by double-clicking
  • Keep this file somewhere safe

Create a Production Provisioning Profile

  • In your browser, navigate to Apple’s Developer Portal
  • Log in
  • Click Provisioning Profiles
  • Click the “+” in the top right of the screen
  • Click the App Store Distribution option, click Continue
  • Select the Bundle ID created earlier, click Continue
  • Select the Certificate created earlier, click Continue
  • Make sure the Profile Name follows the standard naming convention: App Name App Store Distribution
  • Click Generate
  • Download it
  • Install the provision profile on your computer by double-clicking
  • Keep this file somewhere safe

Create a App Store Listing

  • Start in your browser, navigate to iTunes Connect
  • Log in
  • Click My Apps
  • Click the “+” in the top left of the screen
  • Click “New iOS App”
  • Bundle ID: choose the one created on Developer Portal
  • For convenience, make the SKU match the Bundle ID created earlier
  • Click Create to create the first version listing

Make The Release Build

  • Start Xcode
  • Open the project or workspace
  • Update the version and build numbers
  • Open Build Settings
  • Make sure All settings is selected
  • Scroll to Code Signing
  • Use the provisioning profile created earlier
  • Use the code signing identity created earlier
  • In the top menu, select Generic iOS Device as the build destination if no actual device is connected
  • Menu, Project, Archive
  • Click Distribute
  • Sign in as your apple developer account
  • Submit to app Store
  • Wait for the confirmation

Fill in Version Information

  • Enter all of the information assembled in step 1
  • Select the build you wish to tie to the version (Note: This usually appears 10-15 minutes after sending from Xcode)
  • Fill in pricing information
  • Click Save
  • Fit any errors based on the messages that appear and save changes

Submit Version For Review

  • Select the release type
    Manual release – after the app is accepted, a Release button will appear
    Automatic release – as soon as the app is accepted, it will be released
  • Wait for approval
    This process usually takes 2-3 weeks for a new submission
  • If your app was not approved, review the notes in the Resolution Center and make any necessary changes to the app or version information then resubmit


  • If you selected Manual release, click Release your app when ready
  • Wait for the green “Ready for Sale” version status (This might take from 1 hour to 1 day after release)
  • Search for your app on the App Store
  • Celebrate!

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