General Application Settings

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From your settings class on your QuickDate project, you will be able to control most of your Android AppSettings.

Database Name:

You can set the database name by changing the value of DatabaseName. It should always be the same name as your application name. Make sure that the name does not contain any spaces and that it has all small letters

Main Settings:

  • You can activate or disable general features in the application via the following variables

Trending Settings:

  • You can set Disable/Enable Trending Tab of the app by the variable below to True or False.

Set the variable below to True or False To enable sections for Filters:

Profile Settings:

Set the variable below to True or False To enable sections

  • You can select if allow to user update gender after registering an account or not by the variables with 3 options:
    • All
    • JustWhenRegister

Free App:

if you want to set the app for free without any payment system you can enable this variable below

Settings View:

Set the variable below to True or False to give the user ability to set his settings from his mobile or to display sections.

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