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Getting Started

Learn here how to install the theme and start your website.
View here all the frequently asked questions about Docy.
Check our knowledge base with all information you need.

The Best Online Documentation

Loaded with awesome features like Documentation, Knowledgebase,
Forum & more!

Wowonder Android

WoWonder would like to welcome you to our official Knowledge Base. In our efforts to

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Getting Started
Getting Started

Before building your app, better take a look

Theme Settings
Theme Settings

You can control the theme's functionality and customize

General Setup
General Setup

a setup guide on configuring 3rd party services.

Advertisement Setup
Advertisement Setup

Wherever you are. whatever your app can do

Social Logins
Social Logins

Your users can register to your website with

PlayTube Andorid

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Getting Started
Getting Started

Before building your app, better take a look

Theme Settings
Theme Settings

You can control the theme’s functionality and customize

Advertisement Setup
Advertisement Setup

Wherever you are. whatever your app can do

PixelPhoto Android

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Getting Started
Getting Started

Do you need a host for our items?

Theme Settings
Theme Settings

You can control the theme’s functionality and customize

Advertisement Setup
Advertisement Setup

Wherever you are. whatever your app can do

DeepSound Android

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Getting Started
Getting Started

Do you need a host for our items?

Theme Settings
Theme Settings

You can control the theme’s functionality and customize

Advertisement Setup
Advertisement Setup

Wherever you are. whatever your app can do

QuickDate Android

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Getting Started
Getting Started

Do you need a host for our items?

Theme Settings
Theme Settings

You can control the theme’s functionality and customize

Advertisement Setup
Advertisement Setup

Wherever you are. whatever your app can do

AskMe Android

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Getting Started
Getting Started

Do you need a host for our items?

Theme Settings
Theme Settings

You can control the theme’s functionality and customize

Advertisement Setup
Advertisement Setup

Wherever you are. whatever your app can do

Flame Android

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Theme Settings
Theme Settings

You can control the theme’s functionality and customize

Advertisement Setup
Advertisement Setup

Wherever you are. whatever your app can do

PlayTube SmartTv Android

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Amoux Themes Android

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We are following CodeCanyon rules and regulation, so

Basic Installation
Basic Installation

To develop app you need to set up

How to update future release code to existing source code
How to update future release code to existing source code

Many have questions on their minds. How can

Support & Assistance
Support & Assistance

Faced a problem? Need assistance with the product?

Refund Policy
Refund Policy

We don't offer a refund. (If the item

Amoux Themes Flutter

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We are following CodeCanyon rules and regulation, so

Basic Installation
Basic Installation

Introduction to Flutter Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit

Getting Started (Build & Run)
Getting Started (Build & Run)

Follow below steps to build and run your

Common errors
Common errors

List of common issues

Help and Support
Help and Support

Faced a problem? Need assistance with the product?

DeepSound IOS

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Theme Settings
Theme Settings

From your main solution right click on the QuickDate


I have been looking for a documentation theme for a long time. In this area, I find Docly the best I have found so far. It has a great range of functions and an attractive design.

Web Worker
Lead Designer, Artwin

Docly is a unique Theme with lots of very useful features. We've been looking for a solution to put our product documentation for so long and finally found Docly. Love the design as well as the functionality. I can say it's a must-have for most Envato authors.

Software Developer

Regarding the documentation of the theme, however, I am also of the opinion that there is still some potential for improvement. The installation was easy, with the customization.

Mark Tony
Software Developer

Do you have any Question?

Loaded with awesome features like Documentation, Knowledgebase,
Forum & more!

Docy is everything you need to create your awesome Helpdesk website!

Don’t have Docy Yet? Purchase Now! And create your Helpdesk with Docy