Getting Started Installation Estimated reading: 1 minute 449 views Follow the steps below to setup your app :QuickDate Script, you can get it from HereDownload Xcode 2022 Here. Please remember, always use the latest code, latest visual studio, and other latest product versions of productsHere are steps to install the full Xcode application.Open the App Store on your Mac and search for Xcode. Download Xcode from the App Store. After your download is complete, launch Xcode. Enter your administrator account credentials.Unzip the QuickDate-IOS archive, extract it to a new folder, and then open the folder. In the main folder, you will find the solution (Name: QuickDate.xcworkspace Type: Xcode work Space) double click on it and wait till everything is loaded. Install all Project PODS for your Project, Open terminal at command pod installIt will take some time, Wait until it is completed.